Friday 6 July 2012

Defect cleared.

So, I haven't posted anything here for a while as I have felt rather demotivated.
I got my defect cleared the week after I got defected, and have since begun modifying the car again. The plans I have are oriented more towards improving the handling and response. So far it is proving to be quite an impressive little car.
The morning after getting stickered, I woke up happily, then remembered there was a lot of work to be done, so she went on the hoist over Easter weekend. Immediately, everything that was aftermarket was stripped and replaced with what parts I had, and some parts had to be sourced, like pedal covers, and a stock intake pipe. When i thought everything was done my father noticed a spot of rust on the chassis, which didnt look too bad, so I was considering just filling it in and painting over, but it turned out to be two huge patches of rust under the rails...
I now have brand new rails fitted, and spent quite some time making the coating match the rest of the under carriage with the same texture and worn appearance, just so no questions would be raised.
When the Roadster was being inspected, I was asked to go through the lights, which is when i remembered the one thing i forgot to fix... my reverse lights were incredibly temperamental! Luckily this was the one time they decided to work, after flicking it into reverse a few times.
Overall the inspection took maybe 15 minutes, and the guy didn't really look at anything in great detail, except for the aftermarket headers I couldn't be bothered changing.
The experience was nowhere near as bad as everybody was telling me it would be, and I now know that I shouldn't worry too much next time.

Lookin' stock on the hoist at Regency, on her big date.
How she was before being defected. All Jap Day Adelaide '12

Saturday 31 March 2012


On Thursday night I finally got my car defected for being too loud and too low.
It has taken longer than I thought, but now I am much regretting it.
I have decided to take the safe route and I am stripping everything that is aftermarket from my car and replacing it with stock parts, so hopefully I can pass the inspection at Regency this Wednesday. It is sad to be undoing all the work i have put into the car over the last two years, but now it really doesnt seem like much.
Wish me luck.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Latest addition to my plant family :3

So, it was my 23rd yesterday. I had a party like thing all sorted and everything by me for the first time. It was just a small group of friends, a BBQ, a few spanish foods that I love, fire, and plenty of drinking. I am terrible with alcohol as it gets to me easily and I always struggle to remember things, but it is slowly coming back, and I like what I am remembering xD.
Anyways, after the massive cleanup this morning (afternooon) I decided to cut up the pineapple that I was gifted by an awesome friend. There was so much mess and sticky but it was worth it for the tasty treat that was its yellow innards. But that wasn't even the best part of it....
Now i have cleaned off the top and am prepping it for planting, which i find exciting.
Here is a pic of how the thing looks now with a couple small roots peeking out of the base.
+Batsy making his first appearance.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

SSR MKII 14x7 +12

I just need to roll the guards and lower it maybe another inch or so and it will be perfect.

Lowered a little more, and the guard just gets nicked by the tyre.. I really should roll them.

Thursday 12 January 2012

My little seedlings have finally been potted!

I am currently attempting to grow several Buht Jolokia plants. The chillis that will hopefully come from this will be very hot. On a hotness scale of 100 (0 being you, and 100 being the sun) these would be about 3, but it is unfair to compare anything to the sun. Today I finally got around to getting some potting mix and moved my larger plants into 15cm pots.