Saturday 31 March 2012


On Thursday night I finally got my car defected for being too loud and too low.
It has taken longer than I thought, but now I am much regretting it.
I have decided to take the safe route and I am stripping everything that is aftermarket from my car and replacing it with stock parts, so hopefully I can pass the inspection at Regency this Wednesday. It is sad to be undoing all the work i have put into the car over the last two years, but now it really doesnt seem like much.
Wish me luck.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Latest addition to my plant family :3

So, it was my 23rd yesterday. I had a party like thing all sorted and everything by me for the first time. It was just a small group of friends, a BBQ, a few spanish foods that I love, fire, and plenty of drinking. I am terrible with alcohol as it gets to me easily and I always struggle to remember things, but it is slowly coming back, and I like what I am remembering xD.
Anyways, after the massive cleanup this morning (afternooon) I decided to cut up the pineapple that I was gifted by an awesome friend. There was so much mess and sticky but it was worth it for the tasty treat that was its yellow innards. But that wasn't even the best part of it....
Now i have cleaned off the top and am prepping it for planting, which i find exciting.
Here is a pic of how the thing looks now with a couple small roots peeking out of the base.
+Batsy making his first appearance.